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After climbing the mountain, Rodgers took ayahuasca and had a powerful psychedelic experience. Rodgers talks about going to Machu Picchu with ex-girlfriend Danica Patrick just before the start of the pandemic. Rodgers appeared on the Aubrey Marcus podcast and talked about his experience with psychedelics, from taking magic mushrooms on the beach with his friends (which Rodgers called one of the best days of his life) to his experience ingesting ayahuasca.

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Rodgers said the secret to his success a psychedelic experience with the ayahuasca plant that led to him having back-to-back MVP seasons in 20. Rodgers did another interview this week, and talked about how he had arguably the two best seasons of his career in his late ‘30s. It goes without saying that it’s important to have a healthy amount of skepticism every time he speaks into a microphone. Rodgers is the guy who intentionally misled the media over his vaccination status, spread disinformation about Covid, constantly talked on national media about being the victim of cancel culture, and for some reason told the whole world he likes to put oil in his butt. Part of that is hiring the right people, so I strongly encourage you to share this with anyone you know who might be a strong fit.Aaron Rodgers is might be the greatest quarterback of all-time, but he’s made himself look like an absolute fool every time he’s opened his mouth over the last two-plus years. We're hiring a lot of new people, so I can't confidently speak for the team environment in six months, but one of our priorities with the fellowship program is creating a good intellectual environment, where people are able to think about important questions and write high quality content. I think I've gotten a lot better at journalism while working here. Writing fast is a skill that predicts success at journalism, in my experience, but we've transitioned to a more quality-focused, lower-volume model than when I first started at Vox, and the role could be a good fit for someone who's a slower writer but a strong researcher and thinker. I'll usually conduct 3-5 interviews for a story, and most stories are between 10 words. Some have no 'hook' in current events but are on topics we think are important. Some of those articles are based on current events. In a typical week at Vox I pitch 4-5 ideas for articles to my editor, and work on the 1-2 that we're most excited about. You don't need to have a journalism background I think the most important qualification is a commitment to understanding and improving the world, with the EA lens that makes Future Perfect different from everything else in journalism. You'll write for Future Perfect on any of the above topics or other topics of global importance that you want to become an expert in and bring to our audience. Now, we're expanding Future Perfect! We'll be hiring three full-time fellows for a one-year fellowship. Some of the stories I'm proudest of over the last few years have covered the case for catastrophic AI risk, the rise of plant-based meat, progress towards malaria vaccines, and the case for better biosafety and pandemic preparedness.

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I work at Vox's Future Perfect, a grant-funded effective-altruism-inspired vertical focused on high impact writing on some of the world's most important problems.

Vox careers